輕鬆自如地改變風格。DEFY Extreme腕錶配備藍綠色Velcro魔術貼錶帶,可輕鬆地進行調整,使其完美貼合手腕。無需借助任何工具,只需利用錶殼背面的錶帶快速更換系統,即可輕鬆更換錶帶。備有多款尺寸,實現完美貼合度。 此錶帶可搭配所有DEFY Extreme系列腕錶。

型号 27.00.2320.I310

  • 所有线上精品店订单均尊享免费配送及14天退货期。

  • 在网站上进行的所有交易皆安全和可靠。

  • When you order your watch strap you will also be able to choose your buckle, which will be delivered pre-assembled. However, if you order a strap without a buckle, you will need to assemble the buckle yourself at home. To do this, we recommend using the *buckle tool, which will be offered as an optional extra during checkout.

    Watch the buckle tool tutorial to find out how.

    *Incorrect use of the buckle tool could damage your watch and ZENITH will not be held liable for any damage incurred. If you are uncertain or need assistance, take your watch to one of our boutiques, where our qualified staff will be happy to demonstrate the tool and change the buckle for you.